4359. Sweets for mushrooms


It seems strange, but mushrooms like soda. Moreover, Michael likes to make experiments with it. Each kind of soda has it's own level of sweetness. Michael has n containers with soda of different levels. If Michael mix two containers with levels x and y, instead of these two he will get soda with level 2 * min(x, y).

Help Michael to get soda with the highest possible level of sweetness.


Input. The first line contains the number of containers n (1 ≤ n ≤ 106). The second line contains n integers: the level of sweetness xi (-109xi ≤ 109).


Output. Print the highest possible level of sweetness that can be obtained by mixing some of the available sodas.


Sample input

Sample output


1 3 6







Algorithm analysis

Add all containers to the multiset (containers with the same sweetness level may appear during the mixing process). It makes sense to mix water with sweets x and y if the level of resulting sweetness is reater than max(x, y).

Consider two waters with the lowest levels of sweetness x and y.

·        If 2xy, then after mixing them you get water with a level of sweetness 2 * min(x, y) = 2x, which is not more than y. In this case, there is no point in mixing: we will remove the sweetness x from the multiset and the corresponding capacity will not be considered further.

·        If 2x > y, then after mixing them you get water with a level of sweetness 2 * min(x, y) = 2x, which is more than y. Remove x and y sweets from the multiset and add sweets 2x.

Perform the described operation with the two smallest sweets x and y while the multiset contains more than one element.


Algorithm realization

Declare a multiset.


multiset<long long> m;


Read the number of containers n. Add the levels of sweets of the given containers to the multiset.



for(i = 0; i < n; i++)






Process the multiset while it contains more than one element.


while(m.size() > 1)



Extract the two smallest sweets a and b.


  long long a = *m.begin(); m.erase(m.begin());

  long long b = *m.begin();


If mixing them produces a sweetness greater than max(a, b), then mix and add the resulting sweetness 2a to the multiset. Otherwise, remove sweetness a from the multiset, and leave sweetness b.


  if (2 * a > b)







Print the answer – the maximum possible level of sweetness.

